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Teaching Awards


Ontario Tech University, Mitch and Leslie Frazer Faculty of Education,


EDST 3610U Child Development and Health

EDUC 1302U PJ Digital Literacies I

EDUC 2402U Teaching for Inclusion

EDUC 5002G Introduction to Research in Education

EDUC 1306U PJ Digital Literacies/Social Studies II

EDUC 5199G Play, Inquiry and Learning

EDUC 2405U Foundations III: Long-Range Planning

EDUC 3208U Teaching Kindergarten

EDUC 1305U Foundations II: Curriculum Theory

AEDT 4150U Holistic Learning in Early Childhood Education

EDUC 1301U Learning and Development

EDUC 1300U Foundations I: Planning and Preparation

EDUC 2406U Reflective Practice/Action Research


York University, Faculty of Education, 2017-2020

GS/EDUC 5550 Play, Language and Learning

EDFE 1300 Inclusion, Disabilities and Education

EDFE 1100 Child Development and Health

EDJI 1000 Language and Literacy in the JI Divisions

EDPJ 1000 Language and Literacy in the PJ Divisions


Seneca College, School of Early Childhood Education, 2010-2017

BCD 308 Developing and Sustaining Partnerships with Families

EAD 106/206 Foundations in Teaching and Learning, Part 1 and 2

EAD 308 Historical and Philosophical Traditions in ECE

EAD 408 Re-conceptualizing Pedagogy: A Postmodern Perspective

ECE 413/416 Advanced Curriculum and Inclusive Community Field Placement 

ECE 409 History and Models of Early Childhood Education

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