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CLIC Research Findings Report


MITACS Capturing Learning in the Classroom

(CLIC Software)

            Capturing Learning in the Classroom (CLIC) is a Canadian-developed software application designed to support teachers in inquiry-based Kindergartens when they document observations of children’s learning experiences in the classroom. It streamlines the documentation process and automatically generates summaries for planning and communication of learning. CLIC allows teachers to link their observations to the expectations set out in The Kindergarten Program curriculum document. CLIC facilitates making the learning visible to others when the learning stories and curriculum expectations are shared with the children, parents, colleagues, and the larger community. CLIC is represented by Pearson Canada as a technological solution that makes the process of pedagogical documentation more efficient. The publishing company sought to undertake a research study about the impact of CLIC on teacher practices and student learning outcomes in Ontario’s Kindergarten classrooms. This research project fits with a series of other studies on how technologically innovative products are impacting pedagogy and assessment, both in Ontario’s classrooms and elsewhere (Beggs et. al., 2012, 2013; Fullan, 2012; Fullan & Donnelly, 2013; Kitchenham, 2006). Through the Mitacs Accelerate Program funded by Industry Canada, I was commissioned to design and undertake this research.

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